USFRA Helps Farmers Share Their Stories

usfra-emily-dameronWhat does sustainability mean to you? What does it mean to your friends and family? Based on research from the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA), not the same thing. So if it means different things to different people then how do you communicate with consumers about the sustainable actions you are taking on your farm? Well, that’s easy, says Emily Dameron, senior manager of consumer communications for USFRA, when you have the right tools.

Dameron has been traveling across the country training farmers and members of the ag industry on how to effectively share sustainability stories. Using the four key areas as the guide, she says there are six core sustainability messages to follow, and I spoke with Dameron to learn more. She also shared great examples of how best to use these nuggets of knowledge in action and highlighted some tools to help share your story, such as using visuals when possible.

To learn more about USFRA’s core sustainability messages, tools and tips, listen to the interview with Emily Dameron: Interview with Emily Dameron, USFRA